HCG tests get LIGHTER with HIGHER HCG levels

Hello! I am 6 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby. I test about once a week for peace of mind. I've also been having bloodwork. My HCG level is over 60,000+ this week (OB suspects twins). Anyways, today my test was LIGHTER than the control line which is not the norm for me. I panicked and did some research. Apparently, HCG tests can't pick up results above 20,000 as well and some ppl even receive negatives after they reach that level. I waited an hour and added tap water to my urine, and the line went back to being darker than the control. (Hard to see because the top one is dry now, but it was much lighter than the second one I mixed with water.) So fellow Rainbow moms don't panic if this happens to you past 5 weeks. Try the tap water test, and you'll feel better!! 😉👏🏻🌈👶🏻