18+4 with mo/di girls

This pregnancy has me filled with anxiety. If they both had their own placenta it'd be a lot easier for me and less risks for them.

I see so many posts in a Facebook group I'm in about going through laser surgery for TTTS, it feels like all of them have had it. So many stories of complications and how their babies are in the NICU for weeks or months.

I've been feeling like crying all the time. I can't enjoy my pregnancy I'm just a ball of pure anxiety.

I go visit the perinatologist and obgyn every 2 weeks and the fact that I need so many appointments doesn't help.

I'm a mess, it's affecting my relationship and I've become less patient with my ADHD/HFAutism 9yo voy and a neurotypical 6yo girl.

Or am I just being hormonal?