Stress pain?

Over the last 4 days, my husband has had something stuck up his ass. I have no idea what's going on, and he won't tell me. We're barely talking except when he wants something (then he's normal), or when he wants to say something nasty. It's been really stressing me out. Our dog is sick, I want him to feel our boy kick, and I don't feel like I can talk to him about anything. All the stress is getting to me. I've noticed at night (when we're both home so it's worse - during the day we're at work and not dealing with each other) I've been getting this tight feeling in about the middle of my stomach, just above the highest place I've felt our boy kick. The pain is so intense when it happens that I end up lightheaded and need to lay down. Once I lay down and he stops being an ass, it eventually subsides. I've also been sleeping only about 3 hours every night because of the stress. Other than knocking some sense into my husband, does anyone have any similar experiences, anything that worked for you to get rid of the stress and pain and be able to sleep better?