Insulin and needles.


I had another ultrasound yesterday 7/5 and I was 31 weeks 2 days, baby weighed in at 4 lbs 5 Oz. Measuring size wise at 33 weeks as well. 2 Arterie umbilical cord, and gestational diabetes, had to start taking insulin every night.

I'm like deathly afraid of needles lmao, so I stood in the same spot holding this insulin pin in my hand for like 15 minutes before I finally just picked my belly and got it over with. Couldn't actually feel the insulin injecting thank God, the needle was enough for me.

Needless to say I now have weekly ultrasounds until birth, sometimes more then one a week because my doctors are separate and do their own things. Total this pregnancy I will have total around 14-15 ultrasounds. I'm just glad my boy is growing good. And hopefully this insulin doesn't cause any adverse effects or problems. Which is why all the ultrasounds. To watch over my big boys growth.