My girls are here!

Harper and Brooklyn made their debut on July 5th! We made it to 35 weeks and 5 days and ended up going in with contractions during the middle of our fireworks on the 4th. I was slowly dialating but they wanted to watch to see if there was much change before admitting me so we were monitored all night and my doctor came in the next morning saying they were going to keep us. Just a few minutes after he left baby a (Harper) water broke. 
Harper was born at 1:53 pm weighing 4lbs 13 oz and 17.5 inches long. She has been in the room with me the whole time. She has been doing great! 
Brooklyn was born by breech extraction. She was breech before labor and stayed breech once her sister was out. She was born at 1:58 pm weighing 6 lbs 2 oz and 18 inches long. She has had some breathing set backs and had to be transported to another hospital. Dad has been with her but hopefully we can leave today and go join them!