So emotional...back and forth!

So this week according to dates I am 6 weeks. I was having a lot of cramping and right shoulder pain but no bleeding. I called my dr and they wanted to do a sono (I had not had my 1st appointment yet) so this was my first sono. When I went in she said I looked very very early. She did see the gestational sac and yolk sac but I know my dates. When my last period was. When I ovulated and what side I ovulated from (which she even confirmed) so I am to keep my original appointment on the 20th and they will do another sono then.... So for 2 weeks I have to wait and see if my baby quit growing.... Or if I am just wrong on my dates. Which I strongly don't feel is the case. This is taking a huge toll on me. We want this baby so bad. I woke up in the middle of the night and just told myself I'm not pregnant anymore... I don't know if it's me preparing myself for the worst news? Or if I just know? I'm scared... Any words of encouragement?