hey yall

OK so I'm 6 dpo an me an my hubby had sex 2 days ago an OMG it hurt so bad an after the sex was over I couldn't move an I was having Wat it felt like "contractions " an I had 2 bout 5 minutes apart then it just stopped out of no were I finally got up to take a shower an the pressure from me trying to pee was giving me super sharp pains in my butt an uterus finally in like 2hrs all the pain went away so yesterday I noticed this rash on my neck like Lil tiny bumps I'm so confused on WATS going on an also my hubby been saying my body has been really hot to the touch the pass few days but only when I'm sleep I don't sweat or anything he just says my body just feel extremely hot SMH I made a doctors appointment but it's so far away IDK WATS going on should I be worried has anyone else experienced this we have been trying to get pregnant for about a year an nothing yet 😖😢 IDK Wat to think