Scared & just want to go home

After a 33 hours labor my baby girl showed some signs of a possible infection of some sort. She had a fever during one of her checks, and because of the prolonged time of the water being broken they decided to keep us 48 hours to give her antibiotics and test her blood. 
If her blood is positive for anything we have to stay another week for more antibiotics. 
My husband has to go back to work in a couple days and I'm overwhelmed at the thought of being here alone with her sick.
We also keep getting left out of information such as the timeline, and were already told the results won't be ready for another day after it was originally said they'd be ready today.
I'm so exhausted and ready to go home and frustrated with this. Any similar experiences? Advice or encouragement?
I know that it could save her life if something was wrong. I want to be safe and not sorry, but having a little IV in her arm for days has been hard and I just want to get home.