New job

Yikes! Totally stressing out! I am a stay at home wife with a 3 year old and almost 2 year old. My hubby just got a new job offer with much better pay but the hours would be possibly a little longer. He would get vacation but not till he builds it up but they want him to start in 2-4 weeks.... I am scheduled for a c section in four weeks and 3 days 😱  right now at his current job (he also loves but pay isn't great) he would get 3 weeks paid time off to help me with baby plus more paid vacation for later. The problem is with a c section I NEED someone to help me get my two year old in and out of her crib and high chair (for 2weeks if I remember right), all of our parents work and mine live about 10 1/2 hours away... Honestly if we weren't have a baby in a month it would be a yes! But now I feel like it would just be holding him back if we said no just bc I need recovery help. What would you guys do?!!!!!! I am totally stressing out! I started sobbing when I found out he got it bc it was so amazing but it is so hard with a new baby coming 😰😰😰😰