2ww...3ww...4ww warning long

Sabrina • married mamma of 3 beautiful babies!!!!!

How to cope when the 2ww turns to 3 then 4 and so on? That stage of if I am pregnant I'd be 6 weeks why is there no 2nd line? Why don't I have a period? What the heck is going on?

You're advised to see your doctor but their test is negative also so they say wait a week and another and another but refuse to do any other tests. When you're contemplating going to the er and lying just to get the numbers. How do we deal with this bs? This awful trick our bodies play? It's madning! There's no extra stress there's no change to diet no change to fitness. What do we do? We search the Web for every feeling we pee on stock after stick. Some of us cry some of get angry and then there is me I stare at the test willing a line to appear I play with my photo settings hoping neg will show something. Grrr sorry super long all over the place but the truth.