IB or Period?

According to Glow, I was supposed to start my period on June 18th. My periods have always been irregular. For the last 7-8 months, my period has been on time, every month. On the dot. In June, I started light bleeding between the 8th and 9th. The next two days, the bleeding got just a little heavier, but not too much. The 5th day, there was not a drop of blood at all. And that's extremely unusual for me. My periods usually last between 7 and 9 days.

As of right now, I have taken 4 pregnancy tests and am very confused. I have 2 faint positives and 2 negatives. Today, I started having some slight cramping. Mostly my right side. When I went to the the bathroom, I had some pink spotting and it was only there that one time. I have been to the bathroom several times after that, and nothing. My period is due in 8 days. Is it at all possible that what I thought was my period in June was implantation bleeding? When should I test again to get a more accurate and clear answer on if I'm pregnant?