Changing doctor at 37 weeks!?

I have been seeing a doctor who is known and good but I couldn't feel comfortable with her !! The problem is I do not live in this country I am in but we had to move here 2 months ago because of the war situation in my country.. ever since and I have been thinking of changing this doctor but because I do not know anyone else and I am afraid to try new one and end up regretting has kept me avoiding this decision .. 
The problem I have faced with this one is that she is just in a hurry and does not listen to me and al my concerns during my visits. This is my first pregnancy and every little thing worries me and makes me look up and search to know more about it. And sometimes this search ends up with something that worries me and she says there is nothing to worry but yet never explains why or how my situation is related to it. 
I am now in my 36weeks and 6 days and I could give birth any time now, would you still consider changing your doctor at this stage ?!