Cramping in early pregnancy

I'm 5 weeks 3 days and I have had cramping since ovulation. I spotted for a few days up until my period was due and have not had any since. The cramping today is pretty bad and feels a lot like period cramps. No bleeding but I'm getting a little worried that something is wrong. The pain seems to be pretty even across my lower abdomen but occasionally localizes to the right side. 
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I had that too! The pain was driving me insane. They said it was my uterus stretching and as long as there's no blood not to worry. I had it again at 14-16 weeks. It's just most likely everything stretching out getting ready for a baby 


KJ • Jul 13, 2016
Thank you for your reply!


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It's totally notmal and understably nervewarcking. It's just your uterus starting to grow. Of course if it gets severe (which I doint it will) then go to the hospital. But rest assured it's all normal.


KJ • Jul 13, 2016
Thanks! I'm just overly worried because my first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage.