Just had to Share with my other July Mommas

So at 40w +1 it appears baby #2 my other diva is stubborn as her sister was 12 years ago. I've been 3cm dilated and 80% effaced for three weeks. Today my little princess is now at -2 but doesn't help not being thinned out 100%. Had a membrane sweep and holy hell these cramps are kicking and that was the worst feeling. And for all the ladies who have lost their mucus plug and had a bloody show I had those two in last two weeks and still nothing. Crossing fingers now for the 18th as she will make her entrance. A question for any of you. Did the sweep work I'm letting my SO go play in a tournament in State College but afraid labor may start soon as he leaves tomorrow. Should I tell him to stay and then nothing happens until Monday? IDK at this point. Eek