Fluid in pelvis...what to think?

Taryn • 26. Mom. Wife. Tattooed. Novice Chef. Coffee Addict. Harry Potter Fanatic. Nerd. Wine Drinker. Makeup Lover. Charlotte Rose 🌹 5-12-15 Benjamin Thomas 💙 7-8-17 Superbaby due 7-25-19
Sorry this is so long, but here is some back story. So for the past 3 months I have been in some pretty serious pain. It started in May when I had random pain in my uterus which turned into a period 2 weeks earlier than it was suppose to come. The pain, as well as random period freaked me out. So I went to the emergency room for fear of having a miscarriage or something (I had no clue if I was pregnant at the time). Turns out I wasn't pregnant, but they did a pelvic exam and told me my cervix was swollen and inflamed. They sent me home with antibiotics. I continue to have periodic pain in my uterus and ovaries. Sharp, stabbing pain. My June period rolls around, and the day before my period starts, I have the pain again. But this time it's stronger. It lasted through my whole period. So I called my OB. She got me in for a vaginal ultrasound to check me for PCOS. Did the ultrasound, and when the tech was examining my left ovary I felt the same excruciating pain but worsened. I told the nurse and she said it probably just hurt because the tech was new. My results came back and they said I was fine and my results were normal. This month, my pain started three days ago and it's even worse than last time. My period is still not here yet and isn't due until Sunday. So I went to the ER again. They did the usual tests, and performed another ultrasound. My results came back with free fluid in my pelvis. They said it was likely due to a ruptured ovarian cyst. But they weren't sure and to follow up with an OBGYN. Has anyone experienced this before? If so, what was the cause and treatment? I should also mention my other symptoms: frequent headaches, mood swings, nausea, extreme fatigue, uterus pain while passing bowel movement.