Induction but sad

I wanted to labor naturally but my due date is the 24th and my doctor will be leaving that week for vacation so im so nervous she wouldn't be there i scheduled an induction for the 18th just to be positive she would be available, she delivered all 3 of my kids so far and i really want her to deliver this one also. But unfortunately enough the only date available was my ex bfs/baby daddys birthday! Also with 3 kids already i was so nervous about how i would get to the hospital and who would be available to watch them during it all, i thought it best to make arrangements now so as not to worry about where they would be or how i would get them there. My first 2 kids i had with two different guys so they will just stay with their dads despite it being my week and my youngest child and this baby share the same father but he can't take off work because we need the money so i had to ask his mom to watch the boy for a few days. But i think i have everything planned well and sooo much relief knowing things will go smoothly. But im just sad about how everything turned out. Daddy never wants to be around anymore so i have no help and when i try to talk to him about things he just interrupts me and treks me im no fun to be around because all i do is stress and worry, but i am this way because i have no body to figure things out with and he refuses to put my mind at ease. Then i have my mom telling me to just let it happen naturally and that is not fair to my other kids to leave them at their dad while i have the baby but she won't lift a finger to help out so how can she say anything about what's best. Our car only has 4 seats anyways so is not like my entire family of 6 can pack up and go to the hospital or come home without some sort of help! I'm just lucky enough my other kids dads are supportive and willing to work with me through this all, they even agreed to bring them to the hospital after baby is born! I just feel like a mess and it's all my fault.