Who agrees with me on this??

I know some of yous wil be judgemental on this but I don't care i have reasons for being against porn. My so has been doing this a while since we have got together I told him about my low self esteem and everything and how much I dislike it.. he said he was sorry and would try not to anyway he hasn't tried not to he has been doing it.. everytime i find out it hurts and makes me lose any confidence I was gaining back 1stly im so anxious about my body and has took me so long to become confident with my so.. 2ndly he has never asked if we could watch it together he just does it in secret.. he never uses it to try new things out woth me which I'd totally be up for... 3rdly I offer to have sex and do things sexually with him and he turns me down or says hes tired or not tonight but then will watch porn that day... sometimes he has even said he hasnt got a big sex drive like me... confused.com cos I want it at least twice a week?? That's not a big sex drive when he will happily look up naked women and porn on net! I've told him i don't want this in my relationship why use porn when he can do that stuff his self with me?? Needed to rant. Sorry

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