"Sister Babymama"

Okay ladies, this post isn't meant for judgement although I can take honesty pretty well. I love the way the support system is set up on this app, even when venting is necessary. I will try to make this post as short as possible. I've always been known as one to keep my emotions in check but I guess since I'm weighing down on my last 7 weeks, my emotions are everywhere. The father of my unborn son used to be my fiancé. I met him when I got to a new duty station a couple years back. I was going through a divorce and we became friends. Came from the same relationship background as far as marriage and divorce. We each had a son of our own. He wouldn't date me until I was officially divorced which was cool lol. We were together 4 years total. 2 months away from our wedding, he decides to call it off and break up. I moved out and got an apartment. It was already a transitional moment for me because I had gotten Medically retired from the Army after only 6 years of Active Duty and to top it all off, our breakup meant breaking up our own little family we created. Well, after our hate phase, we ended up talking and communicating and eventually led to lots of sex. However, he was also seeing someone else. Fast forward....she and I are not pregnant now and due a week apart. When she found out about me she threatened an abortion. I took an offense to that because if anyone should have been overreacting l, it should have been me. So I went to talk with her while he went out of town. Tried to talk her out of an abortion. She goes back and creates some story and tells it to him and he snaps at me and cuts all contact with me. I ignored it all. He finally came around and started seeing the situation for what it was instead of only listening to her. Now the issue I have is that now she's moved in to what I consider still MY HOUSE. He says it's because he needs help with bills. They apparently always argue. She hesitates on buying baby furniture. I've used my tax money to buy the big baby items such as the crib, pack n play, car seat and stroller, etc. he's brought clothes and stuff but it really irritates me now to sit here and think about what special moments they may or may not be sharing as a couple who's expecting. She texted me from his phone late one night with a very insecure message and I didn't react in a negative way honestly. I don't know what I'm asking from this post or what I'm feeling. It's just a sucky situation you know. We literally live maybe 30 minutes away from one another. We still have keys to each other's vehicles and living places but it just hurts that the family that was once MINE is broken and over at a time like this.