This is an argumentative essay I wrote. Formal & everything had fact, statistic, & research to back it up. Read it all, and leave a response as to what you think of it. I dare you. 

   Over 64 billion animals are slaughtered worldwide in the meat industry for consumption each year.  But it doesn’t have to, and shouldn’t be that way. Veganism is the idea and lifestyle choice of removing all animal products from one’s diet completely. The reasoning and logic behind a vegan lifestyle is for the sake of helping the environment, the animals’ wellbeing, to improve a person’s health, and so much more. Some may not be aware that the effects of consuming animal products are tremendously negative when it comes to physical health, the fate of other creatures, and the world around us. Taking into account all of this, the vegan lifestyle is a smart decision. 

   First of all, there are the environmental concerns that come with an omnivorous diet, which veganism can easily combat. Raising animals for meat and dairy is hurting our environment a very significant amount. The difference when it comes to the carbon footprint is enough to leave most people in shock. For example, A plant based  320 calorie meal has 16 times less gallons of gas equivalent than a 6 oz. beef steak also 320 calories. It is also true that just one calorie from animal protein requires 11x more fossil fuel than a calorie of plant-based vegan protein. In the same way that the diets of those who consume meat create 7x more greenhouse emissions as the diets of those who follow a vegan lifestyle. Significantly, veganism could also end world hunger. As said in an article by Alice G. Walton, “If more people switched to non-animal sources of protein, the theory goes, the money spent on producing and maintaining food animals can be applied to cultivating crops to feed hungry people instead” (Walton, 5). As it turns out statistically, that theory is correct. The feed needed to produce an 8oz steak alone can fill 50 bowls with cooked cereal grains. Meanwhile, 30% of the world’s ice free surface is used to feed and support animals eventually slaughtered for our consumption. With the understood ability it could rather be used to farm grains, fruits, and vegetables, with the ability to feed much more food to, and directly so, to humans. And lastly, as a result of veganism, we could end drought. About 50% of the United States water goes to raising animals for food. Over 2,400 gallons of water are needed to produce one pound of meat, where only 25 gallons are needed for the same amount of wheat. That’s more than enough water the human race has the ability to save, just by changing our eating habits. Touched on by the same article mentioned before, if a family of 4 skipped out on meat and dairy for 1 day a week, it would make the same impact as taking your car off the road for 5 months[a].  And that impactful truth should help to push us onto the right path to saving and sustaining the planet, leaving animal products behind

   As far as morals and ethical concerns go, veganism is an easy decision to make. Animals in the meat, dairy, and egg industries are exploited, tortured, raped, and slaughtered. These creatures can feel pain just like humans, and endure a lifetime of suffering.  A popular excuse for not taking the step towards a plant-based lifestyle is that one person simply cannot make a difference. Contrary to popular belief, it’s simply incorrect. By cutting out meat alone, after a month, 8+ animals are saved. After a year, 100+ lives will be saved. As time goes up, so do spared lives. Every purchase counts. As far as supply and demand goes, all is the same. By supporting these industries, money is given to them. Money that they use to continue their life shattering practices. If they are not supported by the purchase of their products, they can and will no longer continue their practices. As far as many people see, humans were meant to have, and have been granted power over all other living creatures that reside on the earth. This however, is far from the truth. Shown by a significant study, if bees or close to any other species on this planet disappeared, the entire system would collapse.  If us humans were gone, all other life would not only survive, but thrive. As humans, we have the impact and power to do more than is thought. But it has to be learned how to use it for good, in a way that benefits all life. When homosapiens were first introduced to the animal kingdom, the planet could withstand all life that was on it. But by the time this species goes extinct, the earth will hopefully be still in a state to withhold, sustain, and create life. Humans are not the center of the earth; however the earth is the center of humans. That is all up to our species, and veganism is just the first and one of the most significant steps in the right direction.

   Although a vegan lifestyle is the smartest choice, it most certainly, in this society, is not the easiest. Many argue that it is hard to get certain vitamins, omegas and amino acids that the body needs. The argument pinpoints on an idea that most sources only come from animal products, and if you don’t maintain necessary amounts of them, you can easily become deficient in these nutrients and suffer. But those who argue this seem to be unaware of not only the consequences of getting these nutrients from animal-based products, but also the inaccuracy of their statement. To start off with, Meat-eaters face a higher risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, osteoporosis, and obesity. A low-fat vegan diet has been shown to not only prevent, but reverse heart disease in humans. People who avoid animal protein also have dramatically lower rates of prostate, colon, and breast cancer. As far as nutrients go, humans need foods supplying us with the 9 essential amino acids our bodies can’t make on their own. Some plant-based foods have all of them, others have a mix of a few. As long as foods like legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits & vegetables are consumed daily, you’re getting everything you need and more. By consuming plant protein rather than animal protein, you get antioxidants, fiber, minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals all at once, while at the same time you are decreasing your mortality. At this point, there is no legitimate and valid excuse or argument against veganism. 

   So in the end, by switching to a vegan and plant-based lifestyle we are helping our planet, the health of humans, and taking other animals out of harm’s way. People’s health will benefit, risk of disease and mortality will decrease, the lives of other beings will be spared, and we can easily end world hunger, drought and significantly decrease our carbon footprint. So now a decision must be made. Is all this tremendous collateral damage worth the meal on your plate?