I'm gonna have a meltdown

I'm getting married in 6 days & I'm due with my first baby in October. I haven't bought anything for the baby OR our place yet because I was told not to. By everyone. Because that's what registries are for. Well guess fucking what, no one buys anything on your registry other than KITCHEN STUFF! Which I am greatful for, but I don't sleep in the kitchen, I don't shower in the kitchen & I don't dry my body with freaking paper towels. & Yes you can say "just go buy it yourself" but starting out in a new place you get hammered with start up costs. & Yes I'm also hormonal but that makes it 10383910 times worse. I think I'm going crazy because I'm nesting but have nothing to fucking nest. & I feel fat & feel like nothing looks cute on me anymore. I just wanna freaking cry. This is supposed to be a super happy time & so far it's been nothing but stressful. I just needed to get that out & please don't comment telling me I'm being ungrateful or crazy, I'm just having a really freaking bad morning where I have realized everything we still need. Just tell me you guys have had the same emotional freak outs where you just wanna crawl in a hole. 😭😤😖