Scary movies

Last night I was watching a scary movie with my significant other. When it got to the scariest part, he told me he didn't feel like cuddling. (I watch scary movies holding onto him and hiding behind a blanket.) so I sat there holding myself and shaking. The movie ended and he turned on another show that I was uncomfortable watching so I went to go shower. ( hoping this would draw his attention) nope! Not at all. He didn't move. I got out and gave him a quick peck on the check because he turned his head as I leaned in. I was still shaking and decided to go to sleep hoping he'd join me. Wrong again. Two hours later and a restless sleep he finally came to bed only to face the opposite direction instead of holding me as usual. Any time I'd turn and even touch him he pulled away. Help! 
Side note: earlier that day he was super sweet and made me food, treated me amazing my and even held me for a while when he had a few things to do. 
I don't know what to think anymore one minute he is sweet and thoughtful the next moment he is extremely cold to the point it makes me want to cry. I need advice!