
Reggie • Xoxo Gossip Girl
So I recently missed my period and have been having super tender breasts. The man I've been seeing urged me to take a pregnancy test even though I was about 90% sure I wasn't pregnant because I've been told all my life that I wouldn't be able to have children but of course still using precautions to not end up pregnant. So anyways, took three tests and they all came up positive. Pregnant. So now I am 19 years old with one of the best baby daddy's out there who completely supports my decision of abortion by the pill, but I'm definitely scared. Any encouraging advice would be lovely. THANK YOU! 😋
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She's been told she could not have kids. So she has planned her life around 'not having children' trying to fulfill her dreams. I understand that everybody has their opinion but it's whatever's right for them! If that's what you want to do, then make sure it's what's right for you and your partner and consider birth control so it doesn't happen again unless you want it too 😊x


Posted at
My question is, if you were told you would never be able to have children, why would you KILL such a miracle? Babies are miracles! In any situation! Have that baby, and I'll adopt it from you. I promise. Do not let an innocent child die because you don't want a baby. 


Reggie • Jul 21, 2016
Because if I've been told I can't have children and it happened, then I believe it will happen again. I play volleyball and I'm on scholarship so it's just something I have to do. I know it is an unpopular opinion to abort a fertilized egg but it is a decision I have already made and am happy about.


Posted at
Hm supporting the killing of your unborn child doesn't make you the best baby daddy out there..


Maggie • Jul 21, 2016
He's not a daddy


Reggie • Jul 21, 2016
If he was making my life a living hell while I'm already stressed out I don't think he'd be the best baby daddy ever. He's being supportive and holding my hand through the entire process. He told me whatever I wanted to do he would support me. And that's exactly what he's doing.


Posted at
I had a friend who did the abortion by pill & I was her only friend to support her choice. She said it wasn't as bad as she thought, it was only like a super heavy period. Good luck to you & your guy! 


Brenna • Jul 21, 2016
Of course! Hope all goes well for you! ❤️


Reggie • Jul 21, 2016
Thank you so much! That makes me feel SOOOO much better😘