Losing My Virginty 😬😬

 I lost my virginty on the 1st of July and I am regretting it only because if the aftermath. I wanted to do it for the longest with this guy and I had a chance so I took it we had been talking for almost a year but I was afraid of committing with him. But these days there always has to be a Fuckboy and that is what he was. He was telling me how it was going to go down and everything happened according to the plan. He treated me the right way the whole time and asking me if I was ready each time he did something. But The sex was great. But two days later I find out that the house we did it in was an older girls apartment and that he was talking to her for 6months and I was screwed at this point my brother and older cousin found out and want to fight him now. And I have one question would it be wrong if I got a couple hits in to??Â