Relationship rant

First time mom and my baby is 3 weeks 4 days old.  
Baby has been nursing a ton and loves to be held and cuddled doesn't like to be put down. I don't sleep at night because she is cluster feeding and will only sleep on me and is colicy. I'm lucky to even get a shower in most days. Or any sleep. Usually will get in a nap during the day while she naps. Oddly will nap in her pack n play during the day.  But his life hasn't changed since we have had her, he still sleeps thru the night getting 8 hours of sleep while I'm up all night holding her and feeding her so she isn't crying. He still goes to the gym before work. He gets off work and will hold her while I cook dinner for us and then it's back to me caring for the baby rest of the night and repeat. I've tried talking to him and just leads to a fight and I will not fight in front of her so I drop it. Just feeling like I'm alone in this. There is no teamwork. I don't get any me time at all or do anything for myself and he gets to go on doing the same things as before we had her. 😢