39 weeks and no progress?

So I'm 39 weeks today and there has been absolutely no progress! I haven't had contractions, baby hasn't dropped, I haven't lost my plug or anything! I'm really worried that things won't get started on their own and I'll have to be induced. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, what was the outcome??
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Go out on a walk or go shopping keep moving, that's what I done and my son was 2 weeks early. Also had something spicy for dinner that night too! Good luck


Kirsty • Jul 26, 2016
I guess they only come when they are ready! Hopefully it will be soon for you, have you tried spicy food?


Maleah • Jul 26, 2016
Ive been hiking and walking everyday and she's just not wanting to come I guess 😩


Posted at
This happened with me. We started weekly visits at 35 weeks and up to 39 weeks I had no progress - not even Braxton Hicks. They had to induce me at 39 weeks 3 days because he was measuring so big and I was so small. I went in on a Sunday night and got hooked up to a pitocin IV. It kick started my labor. The next morning my OB came, checked me out. I was like 2 cm dilated (FINALLY). She decided to break my water and take me off the pitocin for a few hours. I went from a 2 to a 7 in like three or so hours, and that was alllll natural. I then opted for my epidural (which I almost didn't get to have 😁) and by one that same afternoon I was pushing and my boy made it here! I was hooked back up to pitocin to keep my uterus contracting and I lost a loooot of blood, but managed to avoid a blood transfusion and just had to stay an extra day for monitoring. I'm not sure if you're not wanting to induce because you're scared or be caused you want an all natural birth? If it's because you want natural, you can always tell them you want to wait. Baby will come when it's ready unless there are health issues involved or whatever else. But being induced was not a bad or scary experience at all - and I was a FTM with no experience lol.


Cara • Jul 26, 2016
I was too!! But I was pretty much pushing c section risk either way lol. My OB was amazing though and did everything she could to keep that from happening and it ended up not even being a consideration! I was the only FTM on the delivery floor that day and he was the first baby born. :)


Maleah • Jul 26, 2016
I honestly didn't want to be induced, just because of the risks of it ending in a c-section. I wouldn't mind being induced(I have to be by 41 weeks) but I'm terrified to have a c-section.😏


Posted at
I had my first naturally but was induced with the next 3. It's a little faster and because of that tends to be slightly more painful but not bad. I enjoyed every experience and would be induced again rather than risk going too far over. Good luck! Wish I had tips on bringing about labor but it usually just depends on your body.


Posted at
I'm in the same exact position 😕 good luck girly


Maleah • Jul 26, 2016
You too😊