24 Hour Pee Collection

Melissa • First Glow baby in December 2016, just found out I'm pregnant again and due in March 2019.
July has been a crazy month! First I was hospitalized for dehydration, then I got hospitalized after a car accident, and now I am having to collect my pee for 24 hours! When I had blood work done during my dehydration episode, my liver enzymes came back a little off. That coupled with my blood pressure being a little elevated over my last few visits to the doctor has them concerned that I may have early warning signs of pre-eclampsia. They think is probably has to do with being dehydrated, but they want to be sure so they sent me home with two big jugs for urine collection. Has anyone else had to do this yet, for your current or previous pregnancies? They said I was low risk for pre-eclampsia, but my blood pressure and weight gain (even though I'm lightly active and eating well) is worrying. I'm trying to hope for the best, but I'm still scared! At least I got an excuse to not go to work tonight though, right?