Baby was conceived accidentally.

My husband and I have two children together. The last year has been really tough on our marriage. And up until recently, we were on the verge of separation. We weren't using any contraception up until the beginning of this year when I knew we might not make it anymore, and we started using condoms. I have a hard time getting pregnant so I knew if we wore condoms, I would be ok. Toward the end of May beginning of June, we started to kind of work things out and we were in an ok place. We had unprotected sex ONCE and I got pregnant. When I told him, he as I was in shock. The look on his favd said it all. He almost didn't react. He asked if I was sure about 20 times and asked me to go to the dr to confirm. I'm 7 weeks now and I almost feel guilty of showing any kind of emotion towards this pregnancy. At times I want to be happy and excited I'm pregnant but at times I look at him and want to completely ignore the fact that there's a baby even there for a while. This morning, I spoke to him about it and he said "I do want the baby, but...I think it's too soon to have more kids before knowing what our next move was" which I respected... Until he said "sometimes I feel it's a trap" the reason we had unprotected sex to be completely honest I because we were drunk. I was so angry that he would even think that, that I actually asked if he wanted me to have an abortion. He said he would never ask me to do that because it's against his religion. We're both very private people so people have no idea we have ever argued once. Not even our families. Only our parents and siblings know we're pregnant and everyone's so happy for us. I just wish I didn't have to feel this way. I'm very torn and have no idea what to do. But I really don't see us working out after this. I would never try to trap someone. We ttc for 2 years for my oldest and three years for my youngest. So for me to get pregnant in one day was more of a blessing for me rather than a mistake. Has anyone gone through something similar? What did you do?