Blood tests (Rant)

So when I went to get my pregnancy confirmed, they sent me for blood tests which I'd assume included a quantitative HCG and progesterone level.. When I was called about booking an appointment and I asked the nurse said "we don't really do that we just do qualitative positive or negative results so your test result was positive.." If that is the case why did they take like 9 vials of blood? Did she think I was talking about the urine test? I explained that I'd been through a miscarriage before and I was just looking for some reassurance that my levels were okay and she said they don't do that unless it's a threatened miscarriage situation.. Then basically she said "you're fine unless you start bleeding bright red or cramping severely and if that happens you are welcome to come in and we will help you all that we can" when my miscarriage happened they were NOT helpful and my point was if it was something fixable that my blood tests would indicate I would hope they'd tell me but I am honestly doubting it right now. I have been trying to let this go since I talked to her this morning but I just can't. I really feel like it's not compassionate to basically say "don't worry about a miscarriage again unless you're in the middle of having one, then we'll give you some medical attention (which they didn't when I had my MC last year).. Sorry rant over. I'm just a ball of nerves waiting and hoping everything will be okay.. And wishing medical professionals could help me with a bit of reassurance.