Husband brag tooic edited


So I see a bunch of topics that put our husbands down or where women just complain about their is so easy to think about all of the negative that we tend to forget the positive about our men. So let's talk about the positives of our gonna make a list of mine,but if you want to share one specific story that's awesome or just make a list.just do you.

My husband is willing to work two jobs so that I can stay home with our soon to be born son. (We have talked about this topic so much we were blue in the face,and we both felt it was best for me to stay home no matter what.)

He has come to all of my doctors appointments.done all of the birthing classes and breastfeeding classes that my hospital offered free of charge.

When we lost our first baby he was my rock.he let me just crumble to pieces and held me. He cleaned our apartment,made me a bubble bath,helped cook.

With our rainbow pregnancy he has been the same as he was when we lost our first baby.i have been a mess throughout this hole journey of being pregnant after a loss.

When people ask if this is our fist baby he has melted my heart by saying no.that we have a baby up in heaven.

He told me that we didn't have money to do valentine's day gifts so we were going to skip it this year.well when we came home from a dinner with our pastor and some guest there was a huge box of chocolates and a bouquet of roses waiting for me on our end table in the living room.

He cooks dinner! Oh how I love that he cooks when I am too worn out to do that.

He put all of our baby stuff together so that I would not have to worry about trying to do that.

When it came to the baby shower he helped do everything.him and his mom did everything for my shower.none of the women would help her with our shower so he cooked everything and baked and all of that.

Edit I can now add,since the birth of our son in August, a few more things to this brag list.

He was awesome during my induction and labor process.i wound up having to have an emergency c section,but he was a champ all through my laboring and then through my c section,even though he had to leave the room.

He was amazing at taking care of our son those first few days after my surgery when I couldn't do much no matter how hard I tried.

He helped me shower! I so did not want the hospital staff helping me do that.

Stayed on the phone with me while I had a pp melt talking full out crying and sobbing and blubbering.

Made sure his mom could come help me out that day that I broke down.he had to work 13 hours that day.

He then mare sure that he had a job that could support our family so that I could stay home with our son.

Watched our son so that I could have a very relaxing candle lit bubble bath and hot shower.