Period?! TMI

Ok so he knocked me on my period a day early however when i go to change the pad its barely anything on it but when i got to use the bathroom a nice amount comes out. I took a test and it said negative. The color on the pad is like a light brown/pink color but in the toliet its red. It started at 7am and i am on pad 2 but i could of stayed in pad 1 thats how light it is on the pad. As it is now 830pm est. Panty liner light. So my questions are should i test again? Is this my actual period? What is going on? My periods are usually normal come on the same day each month and never like this. No actual period symptoms, no pregnancy symptoms. I feel normal but gut is saying i could still be.. Any idea what could be going on with mother nature? I do have other kids and i usually miss my period when pregnant. So im confused.