Work issues

So I know this may sound tacky but I need to vent. I work in a restaurant and I had an issue with coworker over something silly at work. She came into the bathroom and was very hostile with me. I asked her to leave so we could figure things out when I was done. She lied to the managers and so I went to a different area. And of course I was in tears, damn pregnancy hormones. When she came back she looked like she was going to punch me. I asked her not to look at me that way because I was pregnant and didn't need to be threatened. She replied with I don't care. I told my managers I could no longer work with her because I do not feel safe around her. She also glared at me when she was leaving. I'm supposed to work with her on Friday and I don't feel comfortable. I was thinking I should call corporate so I'm covered on all my bases. Is this something I should worry about or should I let it go. I have worked at the same place for nine years and never dealt with someone like that.