So thankful!

I have had an oversupply of milk from the day it came in. Tonight, we bought a deep freezer because ours just couldn't hold anymore. As we transferred the milk to the deep freezer, we kept track of how much milk I had. As of yesterday's date, I have frozen 1346 ounces and kept my little one fed for her 10 weeks of life. If something were to happen to me, she could continue to have breast milk for another 10 weeks!
My ultimate goal is to keep freezing the excess and stop pumping when I will have enough saved to get her to 12 months. Assuming she takes 20 ounces (plus solid foods) toward the end, I already have a 2 month supply. If I keep going at the rate that I am, I can unhook myself from the pump permanently at 6 months - though I would probably wait until 7 to be sure. 
I just am so amazed at what my body is able to accomplish. 
Unfortunately, I attempted to donate, but they could not accept my milk because of a medication that I am on. It will benefit me in the end, I suppose.