Know any good books about natural childbirth?

Hi, we're about to go on a trip, and I would like to purchase a book on natural childbirth for some light-ish reading. I'm already in the all natural camp, so I REALLY don't need something meant to inform via hospital horror stories. I don't need to get my blood boiling over the US medical system. (It does that enough already, and I'm looking for something to read for enjoyment.) 😉
I would like something that is more inspirational, but not entirely Chicken Soup. It would be nice if the book contained practical information as well. I'm also not looking for something not too spiritual or hippy-dippy, either, but some level of crunchy is definitely good.
From reviews I've read, Ina May's book seems like a good choice, but I am unsure. For those who have read it, are the birth stories mostly positive natural stories. Is the information practical, negative, or overly "spiritual". ( I really don't want to spend my money on a book to teach me how to commune with my vagina. Lol.) I do believe anecdotal info can be informative and enjoyable to read, so it doesn't need to be jam packed with statistics. Though some of that can't hurt!
Sorry this is so long. I would love to hear your recommendations! Thanks!