Morgan • Mama to Harrison Andrew born 8/27/14. Wife to Brandon-together since 2008, married 4/9/15. Baby #2 due April 2017!
I'm being a crazy lady symptom spotter. It's driving me nuts. I'm pretty in tune with my body, I know when I ovulated, BD a bunch around O, and the past 4 days I've had symptoms and I feel like if I just get them off my chest maybe I can start to relax and not get my hopes up. I feel like I'm going to get a positive this month but I keep telling myself not to convince myself like that because negative tests are always so devistating even when you know they will be negative. I don't really even expect any responses to this or anything, although they'd be appreciated. I just feel like I need to put it out there. If I tell my DH he won't help because I know he will get excited. Here goes:
-MILD dull low middle cramping. Not like AF cramping. My Ovulation pain was left side this month and much sharper. 
-A moderate headache lasting from Wednesday to Saturday. I NEVER get headaches that last more than an hour or two. 
-Lots of creamy CM. It normally dries up after O and comes back a few days before AF but not this month. 
-My nose seems stuffy! This was my biggest complaint last pregnancy. 
-My boobs seem more veiny than usual. I can even see the veins up into my chest and shoulders which is unusual. 
-I'm EMOTIONAL! I am NOT an emotional woman. I think I've cried 3 times this week. I don't think I've cried three times all year! I HATE crying!!
Ah ok I feel better now. Thanks for reading if you made it this far lol. Hopefully I'm not crazy and in the next week/10 days I get a BFP. If not, well, onto the next cycle I guess. Trying to take it one day at a time.