Any advice?

I've been in a bad mood for a couple weeks now and I hate to say it but it's because of my bf. I love him to the moon and back. We've been together for 9 years now and just had our son 3 months ago. Now the problem... Of course is  mainly financials (among other things) he has a decent job and makes 48k while I work just a part time seasonal job atm making about 20k. Now because he brings in the bulk we agreed he'd pay the rent and I'd pay for everything else. Utilities, cable, groceries and pet expenses ( a dog and cat ) I'm frustrated and depressed because this will be the 3 month we are going to be late with the rent. Mind you we've be living here for 6 months now. When we moved in it was 3 months rent, he paid 1 and I paid the other two. I also had to pay another months rent because he was short due to his own bills. I just can't understand why I'm pulling most of the weight when I make the least. Not to mention this came from my savings since I wasn't working at the time. I'm also taking care of the baby most of the day. I cook and clean. Do all the laundry. Even when he's caring for the baby he's always asking for my help. He is a great father and cares deeply for his son but it's these areas that he's severely lacking. I don't know what else to do. I've talk to him about prioritizing. I know a lot of his money goes to cabs and lunch so I've been getting up to make him lunch but now he wants a joint account so I can handle his finances. It's probably for the best but it's just so exhausting having to care for everyone. I feel like he's more my child than my bf at this point. Idk how to get through to him.