I swore my water broke

I swore that my water broke. My underwear has been soaked and I've changed it twice, put a pad down, clear watery liquid is coming out more and more. When I get to the hospital they do a swab and hook me up to the monitor. I was having strong contractions (but with very little pain) every 2-5 minutes and baby was obviously getting squished when I was because his heart rate would go from 130 to 180 while I was having them. Then they come back and say my water swab came back negative and sent me home! I am still leaking and doing so even more now. My contractions are getting stronger. And I know something is off! Is there a possible way that they got a false negative? I'm so scared because I know something is wrong. Should I go to a different hospital? Please give me advice! I have a feeling this baby is coming soon. Oh, and I was dilated to 1 1/2 cm.