Being pregnant did not make me weak

My pregnancy was planned all the way. I went into this knowing my life was going to change and I would literally emerge a different woman. I welcomed this because being a mother seems natural as breathing to me. I'm married and happily so, but I always thought in terms of my own personal stake in this life changing decision. A man can walk away at any point for any reason and while I trust my husband is here forever and a day, I decided to become a mother when I was SURE I could handle it on my own. It was a personal decision. So yeah, there have been some truly hormonal moments where I've literally felt like I was having an outer body experience lol but I can say honestly I've never let "oh it's hormones" be an excuse for anything at all. I am still Korea. I'm still as smart and strong and capable as I've ever been. Physically I'm very vulnerable of course, but emotionally and mentally I can still hold my own. I see so many women who allow "hormones" to dictate their relationship and decisions and it's scary. Because they're taking that one thing men use against us to call us irrational and emotional and they're playing right in to it. 
Yeah we cry at silly commercials and oh lord don't let us read a story about a sick or hurt baby because then we are a mess! I feel that's just us coming into our "mama warrior" instincts. But if I never allowed a man to disrespect me before, being pregnant isn't going to make that shit ok now. Sure our circumstances are all different but I beg you ladies to please remember this is a very temporary time in our lives and the decisions we make now have a huge impact on our futures. Now is the time to be our strongest selves! Let's not allow anyone or anything to compromise our God given strength!