Rant-- any other husbands think a nursery isn't necessary right now?

So ladies, my second baby is set to arrive in about 5 weeks. My husband is in absolutely no rush. We have a spare/guest room that id like to clean out bc we have two twin beds that serve no purpose and bc we do not have guests. Anyway, he is in zero rush to clean out that room and get things ready for this baby bc she will be sleeping in our room for the first 4 months in a pack n play. Although I know he has a point, I have another daughter that has stuff in her room and I will essentially have to share my room with my husband, newborn stuff and myself. I realize that this sounds like I'm being a brat or a tad over dramatic, however I am so upset that I have nothing ready for this new baby and I'll be 36 weeks on Saturday. He simply says we will get the room ready in January, the new baby can share a room with my toddler or when we move we can do a room in the new house.( we just bought land and are in he process of trying to start building a house. However, the plans aren't even done yet. 
How can I get him to realize this is why I can't sleep and it's bothering me to no end!