Well, hormones finally won.

I have been proud to say I haven't burst into tears over anything this whole pregnancy. I've been rather level headed and not to emotional, but I just lost it. 33w+2days. 
I posted in my local baby wearing group about breast pump recommendations. I have been asking everyone, since my insurance won't cover one and I didn't want to buy a crappy one. I had a mom message me with a medela in style advanced with a ton of bottles and stuff saying it's mine if I want it. She was trying to sell it but was willing to give it to me. I told her I'd at least give her something, since I just started working again. And immediately burst into tears. I can't even begin to say how much of a blessing it is. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 it's hard losing your job mid pregnancy. Sometimes some kindness is all it takes to turn someone else's life around.