PMS/Baby Fever Making Me Nuts

I'm so tired. Been running around with extra early mornings this week. My boobs are killing me. And I'm supposed to start between tomorrow and Sunday. Things are so crazy, I was at the church today and someone complimented my son's good behavior (He's a handful with sensory issues and he did well today at camp despite the noises) and I started crying. Like seriously crying. It was like an emotional outburst that wasn't even normal. I was so embarrassed, and immediately I thought wonder if I'm more Emotional because we actually succeeded? Like so embarrassed I hoped I could go back to the camp later and tell these leaders, "hey sorry about that, just found out we are pregnant."
I feel like I get these PMS symptoms and my mind wants to play the "maybe it's a baby." But I feel like I just get my hopes up so high that I become devistated when the tests are negative or AF shows. 
So here I am in the early afternoon feeling snippy, way PMS'd, and I can't keep my brain from getting excited before I can test. Anybody have any ideas on how to chill? Because I feel freaking ridiculous.