Need advice please!! PLEASE READ

Hey guys so I have kind of a weird situation. I went off the pill in January (7 months ago) and my period has been very regular since. I usually get my period on day 26-28. However I didn't get a period in June, I thought I was pregnant, did a bunch of tests, found out I wasn't then got my period on day 40 but it was a weird period...lots of blood clots at first and then it was very light after that (I'm usually consistently heavy). I went to the doctor and he said to wait and see what the next month was like. 
I'm now on day 31 with still no period, I have quite a few zits which is not normal for me. 
We are not ttc but would be happy either way, I don't necessarily think I'm pregnant but it's just been a really weird few months and I'm trying to figure out what's going on. 
Any advice at all would be great