Did I have a mini stroke?

So today at work my vision started going blurry.. Like I had stared at a light too long only it got worse. I could still see some but only my direct line of sight. Then the migraine started in the front right behind my eyes. It started getting hard for me to make sentences. Or even remember the kids names at school. My brain went foggy or something.. Then my right arm started tingling and going numb and so did the right side of my face. That only lasted about 5 minutes though. Luckily my kids were asleep during this time and I finally went back to feeling normal about an hour and a half later. This happened around 11:00 today and I still have a headache after I came home and took a nap. Has anything like this ever happened to anyone? It was really scary! I looked up symptoms online and it was the same as a mini stroke?? But idk 
I am 24 and 21 weeks pregnant so I have no idea what happened