Breast implants while pregnant

Randi • Mommy of 3, number four on the way!
So I got breast implants about 4 years ago after having my 2 children and thinking I was done. I am not pregnant with my 3rd and just wondering if anyone else has gone through pregnancy with them and what it was like and if they had to to be redone after. They are under the muscle so I can still produce milk and everything functions. I was a size C before children then went down to like a triple A so I got small C's again. I am very petite so I'm just afraid I'm going to shred my skin or have to get them redone. And that is something I never want to do again. I thought the healing process was hell. Idk, comments or any advice from either personal experience or a friend's would be great! I'm 3 months along and already in a D :(