
Tanja • My husband & I are so excited for our sixth child. Our kids are 16,15,12, 4(the boys) daughter is 5!
So my baby shower isn't until August 14th, I'm due September 16th. Here is why I am so disappointed. First we waited and waited and waited for someone to even mention wanting to give us a baby shower. Nobody from either side of the family (hubby's and mine) offered to do it. So finally we decided to do it on our own. But then my brother in laws gf offered to help with it. I was actually very happy about that. Now as it is getting closer to the baby shower date I'm getting a little stressed. When we sent out the invitations a week went by and nobody has rsvp'd. So I had to start callin,texting and Facebook messaging people. Some answered some didn't, some took days to answer. 
All together there might be 11 people showing up. That's counting just the women. It's a co-Ed baby shower. And most of the people going are my family members. Only two of the guests/couples that weregoing are his family (two of his brothers and their wives). Well tonight we found out that all of a sudden one of them isn't going to our baby shower because they "forgot" about it and switched the day for their adult only camping trip. The trip was originally scheduled for this weekend. But they changed it to the 13th.  
My husband won't really say out loud how upset he is, but the look on his face when we found out through Facebook about them switching it to the 13th; said how upset he is. 
His mom lives out of state along with two other brothers and his sister all living out of state too. He has four brother living here but one hardly speaks to anyone anymore.  
It makes me extremely upset too. They have known about the baby shower for almost two months. His brother had even said he was taking the day off to go to our baby shower. 
Sorry this is so long I am just so annoyed and fed up with this brother of his and his two faced wife. I just needed to vent.