Bit worried

Okay so six days ago I woke up with horrible pains in my vaginal area and a desperate need to pee, after a quick visit to my doctors I'm told it's a UTI. I'm given a course of antibiotics and told to come back if my pain hasn't cleared up once the course is done. Next day Mother Nature arrives 😣 ever since I have started my periods (10 years now) it's never been a real red colour... Up until this month. My period is normally finished by now but it is still red as a post box just a little lighter flow. Every so often I get a sensation of burning right in my vaginal opening and nothing I do soothes it and sometimes there is no pain at all. I've never experienced a UTI and a period at the same time so don't want to go back to my doctors until I'm positive this isn't normal.. So my question is has anyone experienced this? If so, what was the outcome? 
(Apologies for the graphic display)