Big trigger 😓

So I was out with my dad having a few drink. He introduced me to his friends. And one of them took a particular liking to me. Fast forward a few hours, my dad has left me alone with her in the pub. We've been talking about my boyfriend and the ring he gave me etc. Next thing we know its closing time. We get outside and she kisses me. A peck. But still a kiss. I gave no indication of wanting this and it triggered something with me ptsd (I was raped, twice. Once when I was 7 and another time when I was 14). It could have been a cultural thing for her but I didn't want to be kissed. And it made me go into a panic because I felt I had betrayed my boyfriend. I didn't sleep. I wasn't thinking straight. I was crying and had to call my councilor. The unwanted sudden invasion of my personal space set me of. Now I'm scared, lonely, feeling sick, haven't slept and feel like a horrible person. Even though my boyfriend knows and is okay with it. I told him about it right away. But I feel so guilty about it and it brought back horrible memories. 
Was it my fault somehow? 
Should I be guilty? 
Am I a horrible person?Â