Moving 6 hrs away at 37 weeks.

jay • Mother to a kinder preggo with #2!
As if life couldn't throw anymore crazy at us this year, here I am 35 weeks and just found out we have to leave. Right about 37 weeks and we'll be heading south for a 6 hr drive. We have been on the road for 3 years, I am use to the moving. This was such a curve ball though. I wanted a happy homebirth, it's baby 2 and the final babe. I envisioned the whole thing, and it was beautiful! Now I have to get an obgyn. There are no midwives in the area. Which at this point I just want my baby healthy and here. But my biggest worry is being in the middle of nowhere, driving, and in labor. I feel awful complaining to my husband. He works his ass of to provide for us and this is absolutely out of his control. I am trying to not show concern because he already feels like shit. He's always so supportive and knows this is a huge stress for me. I know life throws some crazy curve balls but 2016 is going down as the craziest of them yet. Hoping it all pays off in a few years when he can make enough with out being a traveling family. Just venting :/