

I was diagnosed with PCOS and the doctor said my hormones were severely out of whack. She also said my vitamin D levels were abysmally low, which was contributing to my depression, which gets quite severe sometimes. I've been taking supplements that she recommends, as well as a vitamin B complex. The closer it gets to when my period is supposedly going to exist, the worse my depression gets. I've been happier than I've ever been lately, so when the depression seeps back, I feel it even stronger than before because I have something to compare it to, which in turn makes it worse.

So, my question is, does anyone else struggle with this? What do you do to help it?

For personal reasons, I'd rather not be medicated for it. I've been attacked for that choice before, which really only serves to add to the negative thoughts and emotions.

I'd really appreciate kind suggestions, or even just knowing this is normal and others deal with it too.

Cheers. :)