Ready to share birth story

So my baby is three months old today and I'm ready to share my birth story lol. Idk where to start lol. But the day before she was born, me and my husband wanted to have sex. Note, my doctor told me not too but I was sexually frustrated. So we decided to have sex but not be rough. Well we were watching a show called "one born every minute", my husband turns the phone off and starts kissing me. While we were in the process, I felt like I peed myself, which I knew I didn't. So I tell him move I gotta go to the bathroom I think I peed myself. I go to the bathroom and sure enough my water breaks. Mind you it's like midnight lol. We call the doctors, they tell me come in. Long story short, I was put on pitocin at 2. By 9:15 I start pushing. I pushed for a while. When the baby's head is out, my doctor tells me stop pushing. The chord was wrapped around her neck. He has my husband cut the cord. My daughter comes flying out, my husband said she was purple and had her hand in between her neck and chord trying to pull it off. At 952 am May 3rd my baby girl was born 6lbs 4 oz 18 in long. I did it all natural. Sorry if it's long but I want to encourage women if they can do it natural try. It's the best thing to do