Sister in law already ticking me off...


Long story ahead, bare with me.

Ok, so no one knows we are expecting again. We have been trying for baby number 3 for well over a year, knowing it was going to eventually happen. I had found a crib that i was absolutley in love with at a local store. I showed hubby and told him i wanted to get it. Well we were going to wait on it, but i found out the manufacture no longer peoduces it, and the one at our local store was the last one i could find (even sold out online) so hubby told me to go get it. Well i put it on lay way, and have been paying a little on it every other week. Today i paid it off (final payment was due on the 16th) and picked it up.

Hubby works nights and sleeps durring the day. My boys were with my S.I.L (brothers wife). So when i got it, it ended up taking up my entire trunk and backseat. Good thing i didn't have anyone else with me.

I asked S.I.L. to bring the boys to me, and bring my little brother (14). She was fine with it, they live 7 minutes away. I did not tell her what i got. She stayed in the car and brother helped me bring it in the house and put it in the closet.

Well i went to thank S.I.L. and she went right into why did i buy a crib when i could of bought the boys a new bed. Mind you, their beds are fine. Hubby and i plan on getting them a bunk bed by early next year. I explained to S.I.L. that this was the last one of that crib, and that i had it on layway for the past 2 months, that it was on sale, and they will still get their bed in a few months. Well she still went on saying i should have saved the money i spent and put it towards the new bed. How i should not have bought the crib, no matter what. I bit my tongue and tried to leave it be. I really wanted to say it was none of her business what i spent the money on, but she is very moody, and in my business, and can be down right rude.

This woman has been telling me since i had my second that i should not have anymore children. Told me that i should look at it like i will be left alone with all my kids when my husband leaves. I have been with hubby for 7 years now, we don't have any real problems going on to think we are splitting. She shares a house with my mom, and spends a lot of time with her. Anytime i am seeing my mom, she makes a big deal about any and everything because my mother is not focused on her. It has honestly made me distanve myself from my mother a little. I have been avoiding spending to much time with S.I.L. over the past 2 weeks because morning sickness kicked in, and i did not want her suspecting anything.

I just hate that every move we make, decision we make, or plan we have, is immediatley judged by her and she makes me feel so crappy. Hubby tells me i should just tell her to mind her business and be a bitch, but i don't want her to get mad at me, because than she makes it a bigger problem with the rest of my family.

I don't know what to do. I have decided that i am not going to let her ruin my daily celebration. But i needed to get this off my chest. Any input?